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Hydrating the Homeless is a group of local LAS VEGAS friends dedicated to finding solutions to reduce the rapidly GROWING HOMELESS population in our great city.


We believe it is our responsibility as a community to take care of those that cannot take care of themselves, and to help those that can, get back on their feet. JOIN US at our next event, or MESSAGE US today to make a bottled water DONATION

Our goal is to make a positive impact in our LOCAL HOMELESS community by JOINING TOGETHER to SPREAD AWARENESS, and reaching out to those in need.

Our Mission

Our MISSION is to find actionable solutions to the RAPIDLY GROWING homeless population in the great CITY OF LAS VEGAS.


Join us and help spread awareness about this horrible issue that affects so many people in Las Vegas and across the country.


Contact us today to schedule a bottled water pick-up, or CLICK to CONTRIBUTE NOW!

Keeping folks hydrated is what we do.
Our Mission
Donate water today and help someone in need.

Our Vision

We see a world where hunger, shelter, and basic income is attainable for all. Help us create a place where no person is left living in the streets. Help us END HOMELESSNESS in Las Vegas.

We Need Your Support Today!

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